Application for Nikah



1) Carefully read and understand all the guidelines listed

2) Complete and send in this application

3) Once submitted you will be contacted via email to confirm your requested day and time

4) Pay the $350 nonrefundable service fee by visiting and clicking donate. Please email a copy of your receipt.

5) If you wish to rent the downstairs gym or cafeteria this requires a separate hall rental form.


1) No photography or video of any type is allowed anywhere on the Jami Masjid premises.

2) No music is allowed in the masjid.

3) No mixing between men and women.

4) No food or sweets is to be distributed inside the prayer hall unless approved in advance. Boxed sweets can be given on the way out.

5) The sister's section is completely separate. Women will only be able to hear the nikah proceedings but will not be able to see it.

6) Jami Masjid reserves the right to refuse the performance of a nikah without reason.