Rooted in devotion to Allahand His Messenger,  Jami Masjid strives to enlighten and enhance the life of every community member through a holistic approach of spiritual awareness, sacred knowledge and service to others.  At Jami Masjid, our doors are open to people from all walks of life, seeking peace and comfort.

Jami Masjid


Powered by the All-Powerful

Mission Statement

Rooted in devotion to Allahand His Messenger,  Jami Masjid strives to enlighten and enhance the life of every community member through a holistic approach of spiritual awareness, sacred knowledge and service to others.  At Jami Masjid, our doors are open to people from all walks of life, seeking peace and comfort.


“Come, come whoever you are: wanderer, worshipper, lover of leaving, even if you have broken your vow a thousand times before, ours is no caravan of despair, come, yet again, come.” - Rumi




New calendar!

Asalamualaykum wa rahmatullah Community Members,

In an effort to help families stay informed on what's happening at the masjid, we put together two charts. One gives a basic break down of all the current programs the masjid has to offer, and two, lays out our annual calendar. From September, InshaAllah, we will also be sending monthly calendars for your convenience.

Check them out below!

Futuwwa Shop

Also, at the request if many community members we have opened the Futuwwa Shop online to make purchases of all your favorite items! It is still a working progress but feel free to check it out.

 حَافِظُوا عَلَى الصَّلَوَاتِ وَالصَّلَاةِ الْوُسْطَىٰ وَقُومُوا لِلَّهِ قَانِتِينَ

Prayer Times





Neighborhood Outreach


Neighborhood outreach is another integral part of Jami Masjid.  Jami Masjid hosts a variety of outreach programs including, quarterly Open Houses with interfaith discussions, annual giveaways, clean-ups, annual BBQ’s, and neighborhood sports tournaments.  Jami Masjid also conducts a nightly security walk of the surrounding areas to ensure residents are safe.  It is a goal of Jami Masjid to welcome neighbors and keep the doors open for them, while aiming to build a stronger and safer community.


Latest Outreach Event

Spirituality and Community


Jami Masjid is built upon the foundation of seeking sacred knowledge and gathering (literally, Jami means to gather) for the sake of remembering Allah ﷻ in accordance with the ways (sunnah) of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.  Most notably, sacred knowledge and practices at Jami Masjid are taken from an unbroken link to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.  In addition to offering the five daily prayers in congregation, a variety of sacred knowledge classes are held daily, including a book reading with commentary (taleem), remembrance of Allah (dhikr), and recitation of the Quran and litanies.

Monthly, Jami Masjid hosts a special recitation of Imam Busiri’s “Poem of the Cloak” (Qasida Burdah), which is a gathering of praises and remembrance of our Beloved Prophet ﷺ.  Further, spiritual retreats and workshops are also offered throughout the year to foster a love for Allah ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ, and are specifically adapted to the needs of the community.

In the blessed month of Ramadan, an intensive program is offered to help community members maximize their time as they strive towards building a stronger connection with Allah ﷻ , His Prophet ﷺ, and the Quran.

Jami Masjid also has various outdoor initiatives to help individuals achieve a wholesome and spiritually balanced well-being.   Our outdoor amenities include a community garden, gazebo, fruit trees, sports fields and a state-of-the art playground.  We, at Jami Masjid, value nature and work to preserve it.


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 Your Donations Help our Community Blossom


 جَزَاكَ الله خَيْرًا

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